
Koinos Logos, theatrical play

Koinos Logos,  theatrical play

It was a breathtaking theatrical performance commemorating the 100 – year anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe  by the  Athens College High School Drama in Greek with English subtitles.

The Club proudly presented: 

«Κοινός Λόγος»

«Koinόs Lόgos». 

An enthralling play that showed  fragments of the peaceful life in Asia Minor before the Catastrophe, the tragic images of war, the expulsion, and the immigration of Asia Minor Greeks and their final settlement on Greek soil.

It was in their words, songs, and dances that  we discovered  the inner thoughts and feelings of the refugees of the time; and where we also find the refugees of today.

Below participants honored with theirs presence the theatrical play. 

President of HCHC George Cantonis,

Honorable Consul General of Greece in Boston  Symeon Tegos, 
President of Athens College Costas Synolakis,
Chair of the Board of Trusties  of Athens College George Antoniadis, 
President elect Spiros Pollalis, 
President of the New England Federation of Hellenic American Societies Vassilios Kafkas, 

Executive Director of MCC Presvetera  Chrysoula Kourkounti and Director of MCC Parkella Patitsas.

The play was livestreamed on the MCC YouTube channel.