
Greek Studies Visitor Luncheon

April 4, 2022. At MCC, business is pleasure. Three wonderful visitors from Greece – Mr Dimitropoulos, Secretary General for Higher Education in the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Theodoros Papaioannou, Academic Affairs Coordinator for Study In Greece, and Dr. Christos Michalakelis, Study in Greece Professor, graced MCC on Sunday afternoon for lunch and talks of collaboration. The guests were impressed by the art and history of MCC and the two recent exhibits, The Good Shepherds: Chief Metropolitans and Rabbis in the Face of Holocaust, and The Greek Revolution Through American Eyes. Also present were Presbytera Chrysoula Kourkounti, Director of Maliotis Cultural Center, HCHC President George Cantonis, Hellenic College Chair of the Department of Greek Studies Dr. Stamatia Dova, and MCC Board Members Dr. Kelly Polychroniou, Dr. Nicolas Prevelakis, and Hellenic College Dean Dr. Timothy Patitsas.